5 reason to know How meta-verse can change the world in future 2023|What is meta-verse?moneycrypton.com

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What is meta-verse– In science fiction, the meta-verse is a hypothetical iteration of the internet as a single,
universal, and immersive virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual reality headsets.
Meta-verse is actually made up of two words meta plus verse. The meta is derived from Greek,
is a prefix that basically means ‘Beyond’ and Verse comes from the word ‘universe’. We will be
living in this verse called Meta-verse that will be beyond our universe. In simple words.

What is meta-verse

Meta-verse is an artificial created universe with shared 3D virtual spaces operated through multi virtual tools. It is a medium for communication that bridges physical and virtual experiences, like our real life and a dynamic world. In the meta-verse everything would be online in an immersive 3D real-like environment.

How Meta-verse Is Changing The World In Future?

In this article we discuss about what is meta-verse? As we now know that Meta-verse is an artificial world. The internet can also be said to be a distinct universe but when you go on the internet, it is mostly limited to 2 dimensions only. Whether you are using a phone or a computer, these are the 2 dimensional screens. But when Meta-verse is talked about,it would be a world where you can be completely in it in 3 dimensions. Like when you watch a film, you wouldn’t be watching the film merely as a viewer, you would experience being in the film, or when you watch a cricket match on the television it is 2 dimensions, but technically if we use virtual reality, then you would be able to watch the cricket match experiencing a 360° view around you. It will try to create an experience that would make
you feel as if you are actually at the match.

The word Meta-verse was first used in the year 1992 in the science fiction book ‘Snow Crash’ written by Neal Stephenson. After this, a game was released in 2003 called the ‘Secind Life’, on the computer. In this game you could meet people virtually, buy items, buy properties, exchange goods and services and create realistic looking Avatar like you. In fact the world Avatar was also first popularized in the book ‘Snow Crash’. One interesting fact about Meta-verse is that you could create your own virtual reality Avatar, just like a 3D animation of Mark Zuckerberg created by him would be Zuckerberg’s Avatar.

The term ‘Avatar’ got more popular with the release of the 2009 film Avatar. Most recently many companies tried to create their own virtual worlds and Meta-verses, but this word was made popular again by Facebook, when Facebook decided to change their company to Meta. That they want to adopt Meta-verse in the future and also stated that the company would like to change from being a social media company to a Meta-verse

However, this is how Mark Zuckerberg described Meta-verse “And you are going to be able to do almost anything you can imagine. Get together with friends, family, work, learn, play, shop, create as well as entirely new categories that don’t really fit how we think about computers and phones today.

Technologies Of Meta-verse:

Here, various technologies are used to actually create the Meta-verse.In this article we discuss about what is meta-verse? The first is Virtual Reality, this technology already exists today, but to use this you have to wear those heavy headsets. And if you have them on for more than an hour, they start causing headaches and motion sickness, as claimed by many users. Although it is hoped that these heavy headsets with the new technologies, would get smaller and lighter and eventually, they would be the size of normal glasses.

The second technology is AR, Augmented Reality. It would mean that some artificial elements mixed with the real world, but it wouldn’t be complete virtual reality. An excellent example of it is the Google Glass that was released in 2014. It was a great hype around 2013-14, a kind of glass with which you could add virtual elements in the real world. But ultimately Google Glass was a huge flop.

Additionally, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains are also mentioned, when talking about Meta-verse. Cryptocurrency are, technically, a sort of digital currency which would be spent to buy anything in the Meta-verse. Blockchains might be used to secure the constant large transactions made in the Meta-verse.

When We Get The Meta-verse?

However, every technology already exists in the contemporary world at the basic stage. But by combining them all together and creating a true Meta-verse will take a lot of time. Mark Zuckerberg estimates that it would take about 5 to 10 years for the key features of Meta-verse to become a part of the mainstream. Several experts believe that it would actually take decades before something like the Meta-verse could become so popular that the majority of people would be using it.

Many people in the world say that the Meta-verse is inevitable, it is bound to happen someday.
The next thing after the internet would be the Meta-verse. But some critical issues or questions arise here, will this Meta-verse be successful? Is there a demand for it? Does anyone want it?

These are some interesting questions because if you look at the technologies like the Google Glass, there were a lot of efforts put into making it popular around 2014. Celebrities went around wearing it in public, many people made their tech reviews on it, showing how cool they were, but it turned out to be a big flop.

FAQs about What is meta-verse:

What can we do in Meta-verse?

There are unlimited possibilities in the Meta-verse the consumers can create more, have fun more, understand better, and others more. Brands also have great advantages jn the Meta-verse.
We can :

  1. Create Our Avatars
  2. Experience entertainments like concerts and games
  3. Purchase NFTs and other digital assets
  4. Exchange good and services virtually
  5. Buy virtual properties
  6. Trade virtual objects
  7. Socialize and network
  8. Communicate on large scale

Does the Meta-verse already exists?

The Meta-verse doesn’t exists now, it is at the initial stage of development. But big companies are investing in the technology and platforms in the Meta-verse. Several experts have stated that it will take long time for Meta-verse to arrive. However some of it’s elements already exists nowadays.

Who owns the Meta-verse?

Look as of now nobody in the world owns the Meta-verse. Some of the peoples are confused with the fact that Mark Zuckerberg owns the Meta-verse just because he has changed his company’s name as ‘Meta’. While he is one of the contributors to the Meta-verse, apart from him there are some other companies who are also contributing in the building of a Virtual universe called the Meta-verse. These companies are :-

The sandbox
Crypto Voxels
Epic Games
Nvidia, etc.

Do we really want to spend our lives in this fake artificial world?

Well from my perspective this won’t be successful in the future. It could be very cool to try it for the first time and experience how we could communicate with others sitting in a 3D virtual world, having 3D meetings, but in reality who would like to give this much effort? Putting on glasses and then calling everyone else on this 3D setup. Rather than going through this much trouble it is easier to take out our phone and get into a video call. The technology that is most popular among people is also easiest to use and provides a clear cut advantage to the audience. If that’s not the case then it would be difficult for any technology to become mainstream

Is the Meta-verse good?

Frankly we all know that technology has the potential for extreme good and bad as well. Every technology that is released has both positive and negative sides equally. So it’s upon us, the humans, how we adapt the technology and use it carefully, we need to make balance of its use. If we use it more and don’t maintain the balance then it may turn out to be something dangerous. The Meta-verse is a good example of this careful balance

Conclusion about what is meta-verse?

So basically this post is all about what is meta-verse?and How meta-verse can change the world in future 2023? In this post we are discuss about how the meta-verse can change the future. So hope you guys like this post, please SHARE with your love ones and do COMMENT. If you want to join with us then click our telegram group and join as well.

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