How to invest in 2023? What are the key points we need to follow while investing?

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Here in this article we are going to discuss about how to invest in 2023? there are lot of people who want to invest for there future but because of lack of knowledge they cant invest properly, so here we are bring you the article about how to invest? and adding that we also going to discuses about what are the steps while going to invest in 2023?

What is an investment?

 Before going into a brief explanation about investment and investing money, let’s understand the meaning of an investment first. An investment is an asset that is acquired by an individual with the anticipation of gathering income or profit from it. In economic terms investment is described as the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to generate wealth. The benefit derived from it is called a return. Risk and returns both are directly proportional to each other that is higher the risk, higher are the returns. There are three main types of investment : Stocks, Bonds and Cash equivalent.

How to invest in 2023? What are the key points we need to follow while investing?

Different types of investment:-

  Here is a list of various types of investment that people are making today :-

Fixed Deposits :

In a fixed deposit a person deposits or puts a lump sum of money in his her account for a fixed tenure at an agreed rate of interest. At the end of the tenure he or she receives the amount that he/she has investment plus compound interest. FDs are also known as term deposits.

Retirement Planning:

It means preparing today for your future life so that you can continue to meet all your goals and requirements independently. This includes setting your retirement goals estimating the amount of money you will need and investing them to grow for your upcoming future.

Real Estate:

This investment uses real estate properties as an instrument and gains profit through a variety of methods. It can be simple as owning a real estate collecting cash flow in rental income, selling the asset for a higher price due to appreciation. Apartment rentals, commercial real estate, REITs etc. are all types of real estate investment.

 Nowadays, a lot of digital investment options are also available in the market like :-

Mutual Funds:

It is a professionally managed investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase securities. The term is typically used in US India and Canada.

Cryptocurrency Stocks:

This type of stocks have been in the market for months now. This technology serves as the gateway between digital blocks and human society.


An exchange-traded fund, ETF in short, is a type of investment fund and exchange-traded product i.e they are traded on stock exchanges.

Bonds :

bonds are used by the government or companies to raise money by borrowing from investors. They are generally issued to raise funds for particular projects. In return, the bond issue promises to pay back the investment, with interest, over a certain period of time.

Stock :

As many of you have already heard about investing in a companies’ stock in ages now. Stocks are a type of security that gives stockholders share of ownership in a company. Stocks also are called ‘equities’. There are few kinds of stocks – common stocks, preferred stocks, small-cap stocks, large-cap stocks, medium-cap stocks, domestic stocks, international stocks and others.

How to invest in 2023?

   Why do we need to invest our money? The simple answer to this question would be that we don’t want to lose money. Let me first make you understand what happens to your money when you don’t invest them over time. As we know that our money loses its value over a period of time, that’s because of something called inflation. Inflation grows generally around 2-2.5% per year, which means stuff costs about 2% more than it did last year. For example, in India, a cup of tea cost 10 paise in 1975, but now the same cup of tea costs more than 10 rupees.

Suppose you got a 100 dollars with you today and you kept it in your drawer, in ten years your 100 dollars would not be worth 100 dollars anymore because everything would have increased by the rate of 2% every year. As a consequence the value of yours is declining which is not good. This is why you need to learn how to invest your money so that you can cope up with inflation and earn some profit from that money as well.

Invest in shares :

The first thing that you can do is invest in shares. You can buy a share of any company you like, say it, a share of Amazon, Tesla, Puma, etc. When you buy a share of any company it means you are buying a part of ownership of the company that you’re investing in. Now what happens when you invest in the share of companies. For example, let’s assume that Tesla has a particularly profitable year because lots of people have bought Tesla cars and Tesla is feeling kind so they are choosing to pay out a dividend to their shareholders. So if you own one percent of Tesla you would get 1% of that dividend that they have issued. That’s how a dividend works: a company issues a dividend as a way of returning some of its profit back to the people who have invested in the company and therefore you earn money from dividends.

Choose shares that you want to buy :

Before buying any stock of a company,at first, you need to know what your goals are and you also need to figure out which stocks to buy based on your personal targets or goals. One more thing, do not invest in individual stocks. It’s not a good idea to buy an individual share because it is kind of risky. Historically there were companies in the past and people were like this is amazing, this is the thing to invest in, they thought those companies were going to give them higher returns in future but ultimately the companies went bust and all the people who invested in them lost all of their money. So if you are a beginner and want to invest your first saving then consider before investing in an individual stock.

When to start:

Physically you should start investing as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how young you are, the earlier you start, the better it is. Firstly, you need to make sure all of your high interest i.e. credit card debt is paid off  because when it comes to compounding losses compound similarly as gains compound. Secondly, you want to make some sort of emergency fund. People say that your emergency fund should have 6 to 12 months of living expenses in cash. So that you can pay all of your bills if you lose your job or there is a medical emergency. Thirdly, you don’t want to put your money in stocks which you will need in the next 4 to 5 years. After observing all the scenarios, in my opinion, it doesn’t matter if you are 12, 15,17, 24 or whatever your age is, you are ready to invest and begin your journey of making money.

Amount you need to invest:

This is the most frequently asked question that how much money do you need to invest or start investing? Again it’s pretty simple, start with whatever you can. You can start your investing journey with as little as 5 or 10 dollars. All you need to do is start researching some online investment apps and find the right stock for yourself that seems quite easy for you to invest in. First thing, It is also useful to start investing with a small amount of money and compounding is also good. Second thing, the sooner you start it becomes a habit.

How to invest:

So this is the final question and again the answer is easy all you need to do is find an online broker. This will very massively depend on which country you are in. In the US most of the people use Vanguard for investment and in India people are more likely to use grow or zerodha for their online investment. So you literally have to Google the best online broker available in your country. But I think you need to keep in mind to make sure that the charge is minimum like 0.2% of the investment only.

Strategies to follow while investing in 2023:

  • So the first one is that if you are a beginner then you can begin your money investment in index fund stocks. These stocks are regarded as the safest way of investing because you don’t have to worry about your money, your money is going to invest in the top companies of the country. But here comes the stuff that you need to be consistent and patient with your investing. For instance, if you invest your money consistently through an index fund for, say, 5 years then at the end of it will have a large lump sum of money in your pocket.
  • Risk is a huge part when it comes to making an investment strategy. Some investors have a higher tolerance of risk and others are literally opposite to them. So you have to know a few things related to risk :-
  • You should only risk what you can afford to lose.
  • Riskier investments carry the potential of higher returns. More the risk, the more the returns will be.
  • Investments that show the preservation of capital also assure a minimum return US treasury bonds, bills, and certificates of deposits (CDs) are considered safe because they are backed by the credit of the United States.

             Apart from risk, investors should also consider changing their investment strategies over time.

  • There is no better option available in the market other than investing in passive investment mode. Many investors use this for their long term investment, the benefit of it is that you don’t need to check the portfolio frequently because you know that over a period of time it’s going to grow into a wealthy and a rich proportion for you.
  • Growth investing is the most common form of investing where people invest in the stocks of those companies which are riding on their growth and that is a wonderful way to unlock insane returns over a long period of time. Technology stocks in the US over the last 10 to 15 years have prospered because of the approach of growth investing. Tesla can be a great example of it.
  • You can also consider investing your money in an income investing mode. Income investing is quite interesting and this is something that a lot of people would want but it is not easy to build early on. Income investment generally means whatever stocks you buy will give you a regular income. Despite the fact that stock prices are increasing or decreasing, you will have a regular flow of money or return through dividend into your account.

Conclusion about How to invest in 2023:

So these are some of the investing strategies listed above that you need to know and consider before beginning your investing expedition. I hope you will have some kind of knowledge from this article and may you earn a fruitful amount of money through investments.

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